Friday, April 10, 2015

Treasure: Seed Savers 如獲至寶(國小、國中科幻小說)

Treasure: Seed Savers, Book 1 (this title has been free for a long time)
4.3 stars, 41 reviews (a near future world where gardening in the US is illegal)

關心食品安全和基因改造嗎? 傳統農作物 (heirloom plants) 也是非常重要。下面的YouTube介紹世界各地GMO農作物的害處以及保護傳統農作物的方法,非常值得一看!
Although Treasure is "only a children's book," it contains a very important message. Traditional foods are disappearing, to be replaced by GMO crops. What is worse is that government lawmakers are helping giant companies such as Monsanto to slowly make it impossible or illegal to grow food from one's own seeds. Be sure to watch this beautiful 57-minute video about an organization (not the book itself) called Seed Savers (slow, easy English with captions):

From the Author:
Seed Savers isn't your typical bleak, violent dystopia. Think Fahrenheit 451 meets Little House on the Prairie. Seed Savers take place in a not-too-distant future where gardening is illegal, corporations own the seeds, and real food is no longer available. Three children are on a quest to learn about gardening and make a change back to the old ways.

The idea for Seed Savers came to me while I was watching the documentary Food, Inc. In it, a man whose occupation was a seed cleaner was being sued by Monsanto. The narrator gave statistics on how few seed cleaners still existed in America. I thought, "Wow, I've never even heard of 'seed cleaner' as an occupation." One thought led to another, and soon I was imagining a time when someone might not know what a seed was... Seed Savers was born.

Two kids, two bikes, and an idea they can change their world.

It's 2077. There's no apocalypse, but some things are different. Things like the weather, the internet, and food. In twelve-year-old Clare's world, blueberry is just a flavor and apples are found only in fairy tales.

Then one day Clare meets an old woman who teaches her about seeds and real food. The woman (Ana) tempts Clare with the notion that food exists other than the square, processed, packaged food she has always known. Under Ana's tutelage, Clare and her friends learn about seeds and gardening despite suspicions that such actions are illegal.

When the authorities discover the children's forbidden tomato plant and arrest their mother, Clare and her brother flee. Clare has heard of a place called "The Garden State," and with their bikes, a little money, and backpacks, the children begin a lonely cross-country journey that tests them both physically and spiritually. Will they succeed in their quest to find a place of food freedom? And can they, only children, help change the world?

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