Friday, April 10, 2015

UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos

UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos (this title has been free for a long time)
This very important book is available at full price from Amazon, but the author is making it available for free for a limited time from his own website (PDF or eBook format). Read this book to understand how and why Western civilization is collapsing before our eyes.

專訪美國戰略學家Gregory R. Copley談中華民國海軍中將葛敦華 Vice Admiral Ko Tun-Hwa  

When do civilizations begin ... and end? And how? Is this what we are witnessing as the 21st Century matures? And as a totally new global architecture presents us with an unrecognizable world? What does it all mean for the stability of nations-states, the prosperity of societies, the way we live and wage wars over the coming decades? This study in Grand Strategy, Uncivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos, outlines how we are already entering an age in which global population levels will begin to decline substantially, even as urbanization and economically- and security-driven transnational migration gather pace. Population decline and movement patterns are also intersecting with economic, scientific, and power projection patterns, while urban social attitudes - the politics of urban societies - have created a revolutionary new political, social, and strategic reality. And urban man has also become electrical man, totally dependent on modern forms of energy. So the book looks at how energy dependency patterns are changing the opportunities and vulnerabilities of society. And the author, with five decades of work in military, intelligence and security studies, looks at how future warfare will be conducted, including cyber warfare and intelligence, and in the area of global logistics. This book shows that changes in the global strategic architecture mean that we really are engaged in an entirely new game. And it's time to learn the rules.
About the Author
Gregory Copley, an Australian, born in Perth, Western Australia, has served as an adviser on strategic issues to a number of governments and leaders. He is Editor-in-Chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs publications, and Director of Intelligence at the Global Information System (GIS), an on-line, encrypted-access, global intelligence service which provies strategic current intelligence to governments. He is President of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), based near Washington, DC. He has authored or co-authored more than 30 books, and several thousand articles, papers, and lectures on strategic issues, history, and other topics. He has written two books of poetry. His recent books include The Art of Victory, and  Energy 2.0. He has owned shipyards, developed airlines, and owned other heavy engineering, and design companies. As a journalist, he has covered many wars, reporting his analysis from all sides of the conflicts. Gregory has received a number of orders and decorations from governments, including, in 2007, being made a Member of the Order of Australia for his contributions to the international community in the field of strategic analysis. In 2010 he was made a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society. He is an avid yachtsman, flyer, and racing car enthusiast.

 Australian Gregory Copley is President of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA), based in Washington, DC. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs publications, and the Global Information System (GIS), an on-line, encrypted-access, global intelligence service which provides strategic current intelligence to governments. Gregory Copley is author or co-author of 32 books, and several thousand articles, papers, and lectures on strategic issues and history. One of his latest books, UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos, was published in late 2012 by USSA.

The Art of Victory ( was published in October 2006 by Simon & Schuster in New York.

勝利之藝術 :在這轉變中的世界裡,對於大戰略的藝術與科學重要性的詮釋,沒有一個比翻譯“勝利藝術”的偉大戰略家能展現出更高明的見解。葛敦華中將,這是他過世前手上有的幾個案子之一─2010年-媽祖的庇佑,...

A new edition of The Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Pakistan, co-authored with Purvis Hussain, will appear in January 2015. His Washington-based institute has for more than four decades worked grand strategy issues, and he has advised a number of governments at head-of-state level. He appears regularly on radio and television in the United States and around the world, discussing issues of a strategic nature.

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