Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Free Kindle Book Blog Introduction

This is a STICKY Post: Because of other commitments, this blog will only occasionally be updated. Readers are encouraged to check out some of the great books I have mentioned in the past, but most titles are no longer free.
[Revised on April 10, 2015]

This blog has covered a wide range of free, well-written books for all kinds of readers (including English native speakers, not just students). You can read these books on any computer, pad or smart phone (Android or iPhone/iPad).

Friday, April 10, 2015

Teen Success in Career & Life Skills 高中生必讀:硬漢校長講成功之道

Teen Success in Career & Life Skills (this title has been free for a long time)

Beyond Sticks and Stones 校園霸凌

Beyond Sticks and Stones (Bullying, Social Media Cyberbullying, Abuse) (this title has been free for a long time)

This is a 68-page book that many people should read, especially parents and teachers. The title comes from the English saying: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" (= you can hurt me with objects such as sticks and stones, but bad words don't matter). This idea is not correct: words can definitely hurt a person very deeply (verbal bullying 言語霸凌). They can even make a person kill themselves. At the end of the book, there are five stories of children who have committed suicide because they were bullied.

The Singularity: Heretic 技術奇異點之後的人類(科幻)

The Singularity: Heretic (this title has been free for a long time)

The Singularity: What will happen to humans when computers are smarter than people?技术奇异点

Stories on the Go--101 Very Short Stories by 101 Authors 101位作家寫的101篇超短篇小說

Stories on the Go--101 Very Short Stories by 101 Authors (this title has been free for a long time)
Each story is 1000 words or less 每篇都是1000字以內

WARNING: I am mentioning this title with definite reservations. The book is very well-indexed, once by author and once by genre. This is how I realized that some stories are quite objectionable by the standards of this blog (LGBT and other cultural aberrations), so this book is definitely NOT recommended for children. No problem for adults: just use the index to skip the stories you find problematic.

Promise Breaker 食言而肥(青年小說)

Promise Breaker (this title has been free for a long time)

故事背景:二次大戰後,家破人亡的十三歲波蘭籍Dov Zalinski決定前往耶路撒冷,希望能夠與分開多年的母親會合,只是母親生死未卜,再加上英國人食言而肥,三十年前的《貝爾福宣言》居然不算數,1917年正式宣佈了英國內閣通過的決議 ,支持猶太人在巴勒斯坦建立猶太人「民族之家」,三十年後的1947英國人封鎖巴勒祖斯坦不但禁止各地猶太難民回到應許之地私底下還訓練阿拉伯軍隊,並提供武器鼓勵他們殺死猶太人。

UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos

UnCivilization: Urban Geopolitics in a Time of Chaos (this title has been free for a long time)
This very important book is available at full price from Amazon, but the author is making it available for free for a limited time from his own website (PDF or eBook format). Read this book to understand how and why Western civilization is collapsing before our eyes.

專訪美國戰略學家Gregory R. Copley談中華民國海軍中將葛敦華 Vice Admiral Ko Tun-Hwa  

Treasure: Seed Savers 如獲至寶(國小、國中科幻小說)

Treasure: Seed Savers, Book 1 (this title has been free for a long time)
4.3 stars, 41 reviews (a near future world where gardening in the US is illegal)

關心食品安全和基因改造嗎? 傳統農作物 (heirloom plants) 也是非常重要。下面的YouTube介紹世界各地GMO農作物的害處以及保護傳統農作物的方法,非常值得一看!
Although Treasure is "only a children's book," it contains a very important message. Traditional foods are disappearing, to be replaced by GMO crops. What is worse is that government lawmakers are helping giant companies such as Monsanto to slowly make it impossible or illegal to grow food from one's own seeds. Be sure to watch this beautiful 57-minute video about an organization (not the book itself) called Seed Savers (slow, easy English with captions):

The Tale of the Clownfish and the Great Shark 小丑魚與大鯊魚的故事(押韻兒童繪本)

The Tale of the Clownfish and the Great Shark (this title has been free for a long time)

The author, Lily Lexington, used rhythm and rhyme to write an interesting story. The beautiful pictures make the book even better. Here is the correct way to say the words on each page: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are usually louder than other less important words (the, and, in etc.).


Under the bubbles and down in the deep
creatures reside with the secrets they keep
One of the fish is the scariest of all
The Great White Shark is what he is called

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Books BELOW Now NOT FREE 底下的書籍不再免費

Book postings 

before this day 

are still worth reading, 

but they are now 

being sold at full price


