Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Spirit of the Road--The Life of an American Trucker 脫胎換骨改行當卡車司機

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Spirit of the Road--The Life of an American Trucker...and his cat
This book does a great deal to dispel stereotypes about truck drivers, some of whom (like the author), are actually very intelligent, thoughtful people who do an essential job which most non-drivers should not take for granted.
從事廣播業二十年的 Rick Huffman 決定脫胎換骨改行當卡車司機,剛上路的第一個月就認養一隻小貓,沒想到Kitty在美國的道路上陪伴他十年。這本書完全破除一般人對卡車司機的刻板印象,其實高學歷的卡車司機蠻多

Determined--Holocaust Survivor Avraham Perlmutter 毅力:猶太大屠殺的生還者

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Determined--The Story of Holocaust Survivor Avraham Perlmutter
4.9 stars, 11 reviews

Skywalker on the Pacific Crest Trail 高個兒徒步美國西岸

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Skywalker: Highs and Lows on the Pacific Crest Trail

Public domain image of the Pacific Crest Trail, going north from California --> Oregon --> Washington

My Japanese Husband (still) Thinks I'm Crazy 我的日本老公還是一樣認為我還是「腦筋秀逗」(漫畫)

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My Japanese Husband (still) Thinks I'm Crazy (Texan & Tokyo Book 2)
105 reviews, 4.9 stars

My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy 我的日本老公認為我「腦筋秀逗」(漫畫)

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My Japanese Husband Thinks I'm Crazy (the comic book) (Texan & Tokyo Book 1)
116 reviews, 4.8 stars

TRAVEL: For 91 Days In Tokyo

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For 91 Days In Tokyo

TRAVEL: For 91 Days In The Yucatán 瑪雅帝國91天之旅

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For 91 Days In The Yucatan

This is a marvelous book that forms part of a series. The authors apparently spend their lives traveling to various locations around the world. Unlike other tourists, however, they spend a full three months in each place and really get to know it in depth. The result in each case is a book highlighting their discoveries.

Other "91 Days" books previously mentioned on this blog:

Sri Lanka


The Belial Stone

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The Belial Stone
869 reviews, 4.3 stars

Tip of the Toes (A Ballerina Story) 小朋友練芭蕾舞

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In Tip of the Toes (4.3 stars, with over 250 reviews) a young ballet dancer (ballerina) gets ready to dance in front of many people. Enjoy the beautiful pictures, and learn ballet vocabulary (mostly French words borrowed into English). Another special feature is that the story rhymes:

Plié is where I bend my knees,
up and down I move with ease.

Plié is a French word (pronounced /pli'e/ that means "bent"(法文 = 彎曲)

For 91 Days in Buenos Aires

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For 91 Days in Buenos Aires

Nine-Tenths 十分之九(反面烏托邦小說)

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Nine-Tenths (English)
4.1 stars, 90 reviews


If Dogs Could Do Chores 假如狗狗能夠幫忙做家務事(圖畫故事書)

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If Dogs Could Do Chores
39 reviews, 4.7 stars

The Gods of Business 世界各個宗教與國際貿易的關係

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The Gods of Business--The Intersection of Faith and the Marketplace
本書說明宗教倫理與商業道德的關係  (第三版)非常值得一讀!

Sigmund Freud (comic book) 精神分析之父:佛洛伊德 (漫畫)

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Sigmund Freud
 WARNING! Because this is about Freud, the author does talk about sex (in a funny way).

This book is obviously NOT recommended for children!

Looking Through Lace 分析外星人的秘密語言(科幻小說)

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Looking Through Lace
This is a very enjoyable 70-page story involving a female xenolinguist (a specialist in non-human languages) trying to figure out a secret language used by women.
得獎科幻小說 :太精彩!而且才七十頁!地球來的語言學家分析外星人的秘密語言(有一點點像湖南省的女書)


Fly For Free 免費搭飛機的技巧

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Fly For Free
20 reviews, 5 stars

Why 'Healthy' Eating Isn't Always Healthy 其實,吃得健康不見得健康!

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The Health Trap--Why 'Healthy' Eating Isn't Always Healthy
4.7 stars, 45 reviews

Outcry--Holocaust Memoirs 納粹集中營生還者的回憶錄

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Outcry--Holocaust Memoirs
4.8 stars, 147 reviews

Division--A Collection of Science Fiction Fairytales 科幻童話故事集

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Division--A Collection of Science Fiction Fairytales

Little Red Riding Hood 不一樣的『小紅帽』

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Little Red Riding Hood

EDM = 放電加工,英語:Electrical Discharge Machining,中國大陸稱為电火花加工、台灣稱為放電加工,是特種加工技術的一種,廣泛應用在模具製造、機械加工行業。

The Tapping Solution 重症與慢性疾病患者的自我療法(兒童版)

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The Tapping Solution (Tapping For Kids) EFT For Children With Chronic Illness: Helping a Child With Chronic Illness Alleviate Nausea, Anxiety, Pain (And Much More!) : The Dragon With Flames of Love

Before or after you read this book, please check out this interview with Dr. Deborah D. Miller:

An Involuntary Spy 被扣上間諜帽子(科幻小說)

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An Involuntary Spy (A GMO researcher becomes a "spy")

Dragon Time and Other Stories

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Dragon Time and Other Stories

An interview with this very talented author, Ruth Nestvold, is available here:

Essentia: Part 1 科幻小說(精彩!)

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Essentia: Part 1
This is a very different kind of science fiction story, a clever story that has a well-written plot and character development. I am definitely HOOKED! I quickly finished Part 1, and now I MUST read Parts 2 and 3 (it really is very, very good!). Don't miss it!
五歲大的 Lucy 跟雅皮父母說他是外星人而且很堅持,該怎麼辦呢?

My Life as a Cicada 蟬的一生(兒童繪本1)

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My Life as a Cicada

Wired 科幻小說

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4.1 stars, 2,383 reviews

100 Famous Entrepreneurs 一百位最出名的創業家(企業家)

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100 Famous Entrepreneurs

Strategic Sales Presentations

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Strategic Sales Presentations

Field Guide to Chicks of the United States 單身漢的福音:美國九十種美眉指南

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Field Guide to Chicks of the United States
47 reviews, 4.6 stars: good for a laugh!

The English is not so easy, but after you do some work, you can laugh at the clever jokes. The pictures are also rather special. You can read it by yourself, but this book is also a great conversation starter. Don't miss it!

In the United States, many people like to watch birds or other animals, so you can buy guide books full of pictures and maps. These books tell you where each animal lives, what it looks like, what it eats, what it sounds like etc.

This book is written just like a serious bird guide, but instead of chicks (= baby chickens), this book describes "chicks" (= a slang word that means "attractive young women"). For each kind of "chick", the author tells you where to find her, how much money it costs for "maintenance" (保養費用 = buying expensive gifts), what she likes to talk about, how long you have to wait before she will sleep with you, etc. There are many lovely pictures throughout the book, so it will take a little bit longer to download.

Cinderella and Her Prince (Alex and Katie Book 5) 俄國民間故事5:灰姑娘和他的王子

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Cinderella and Her Prince: Adventure Five (Adventures of Alex and Katie Book 5) 

Lollipop (Russian folktale series: 2) 俄國民間故事2:棒棒糖

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The Lollipop: Adventure Two

Firebird (Russian Folktale Series: 1) 俄國民間故事1:雅加婆婆與火鳥

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Firebird: Adventure One (Book #1 in Adventures of Alex and Katie series) is a modernized version of the Russian story of the Firebird, Жар-птица.


Snowdrops (Russian Folktale Series: 3) 俄國民間故事3:雪姑娘

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Snowdrops--Adventure Three

The Russian version of Santa Claus is called Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost). Unlike Santa, he is often accompanied by a young lady called Snegúrochka (= Snowmaiden [sneg = "snow" in Russian; note the stress):
Wikipedia: 雪姑娘(俄語:Снегу́рочка;拉丁字母轉寫:Snegúrochka)是俄羅斯民間傳說的一位童話角色,一說是作為斯拉夫的聖誕老人-雪老人的孫女及助手出現。她的形象不僅出現在俄羅斯民間儀式中,在俄羅斯的口頭文學創作中也以民間童話中提到的:「用雪堆造,並且復活」的形象呈現。她被描繪為冰雪(父)與春天(母)之女兒
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka (pubic domain image)

Grandma Witch (Russian Folktale Series: 4) 俄國民間故事4:芭芭雅嘎

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[updated posting, with music video]
Grandma Witch--Adventure Four

A related video (not from this book) appears below

Defeat Cancer 聽聽十五位醫生講解戰勝癌症的方法

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Defeat Cancer--15 Doctors of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How

發表在2004年的一項臨床研究顯示19902004年之間接受全盤化療的150,000癌症病患五年後的生存率僅僅2.1%Dr. Robert Eslinger)。傳統西醫的醫療方法只能有效地醫好少數幾種癌症,所以本書編者(醫療記者Connie Strasheim) 訪問了十五位比較開明的正規醫生,蒐集了大量寶貴的另類醫療實例,讓讀者節省時間和精力,找到自己最適合的醫療方法。

The Making Of A Young Entrepreneur 如何培養小朋友的企業家精神

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The Making Of A Young Entrepreneur--The Kid's Guide To Developing The Mind-Set For Success

Fancy Hat 高級帽子(兒童圖畫故事書)

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Fancy Hat (Illustrated Storybook)

The Winter Letter 冬天的那封信

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The Winter Letter
4.5 stars, 98 reviews

How to Draw Comics Collection 25-36 簡易畫圖系列

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How to Draw Comics Collection 25-36 (Over 330 Pages)
The author is a professional artist who is very good at teaching people to draw cartoon illustrations one step at a time without any commentary. This series is well worth the download!
作者是非常成功的專業畫家,簡易彩色畫圖系列,除了物體名稱以外,幾乎沒什麼英文,老少咸宜。讓畫家教你一步一步地畫圖吧!(12 MB!)

4,9 stars, 11 reviews

The Crusades--A Very Brief History

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The Crusades--A Very Brief History

Napoleon Bonaparte--A Very Brief History 拿破崙簡短歷史

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Napoleon Bonaparte--A Very Brief History

Hear Them Tell You, 'No' 不要放棄自己的夢想

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Hear Them Tell You, 'No'
This is a marvelous, fantastic, gorgeous ... (OK, you get the idea!) one-of-a-kind book that blends inspirational prose with calligraphy. Click on "Read More" to see a short sample!

Post-Human Series Books 5 人類之後(科幻小說)

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Post-Human Series Books 5

Post-Human Series Books 1-4 人類之後(科幻小說集)

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Post-Human Series Books 1-4
4.5 stars, 1007 reviews!

Cancer - 100 Things To Do Besides Chemo 癌症:除了化療以外的一百種治病方法

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Cancer - 100 Things To Do Besides Chemo