Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why 'Healthy' Eating Isn't Always Healthy 其實,吃得健康不見得健康!

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The Health Trap--Why 'Healthy' Eating Isn't Always Healthy
4.7 stars, 45 reviews


Tried every diet there is?
Are you always on the lookout for the next big weight-loss craze? Do you excitedly snap up the newest, strangest diet fad out there, wondering if this is finally going to be ‘the one’ that works for you? Do you buy the recipe books, and eagerly stock your cupboards with superfoods, awaiting miracle results? And, time after time, does it fail to be the all-in-one solution you’d hoped for? Despite your very best efforts, do you find that your weight loss, and your overall health still feel lacking? You are not alone!

One size does not fit all
There are thousands upon thousands of diet books on the shelves. This in itself tells us that no one, single approach is going to be a ‘cure all’ for everyone. You can stick religiously to diet A, diet B, or diets C-Z and still fail miserably – but this doesn’t mean that YOU have failed, it simply means the diet in question has failed you. Healthy eating is not the same for everyone. Understanding this is the first step on the path to discovering what WILL work for you. It’s time to ditch the fads and adopt a new, long-term approach. Taking a fresh look at what actually constitutes healthy eating in terms of your own body is the first step on the road to discovering genuine, lasting health.

Make peace with your food demons
Chris Sandel is an experienced nutritionist who advocates the benefits of working with your body, not against it. In The Health Trap, Sandel explains why we so often feel worse when we try to diet, and how we can turn this around and devise our own, individually tailored healthy eating plans that will genuinely succeed. Through a wider look at our lifestyles, environments, misconceptions and more, he demonstrates how we can achieve not only lasting weight loss, but also lasting overall health improvements. And best of all, he shows us how we can do this using everyday foods in a stress-free, hassle-free way. It’s time to stop obsessing over so-called health foods, and time to start listening to your body.

About the Author
‘How you think about food can be just as important as what you eat.’ Chris Sandel is a nutritionist and runs his own company, 7 Health. He became passionate about nutrition after changing his diet and lifestyle in his early 20s and noticing profound improvements. Over the next decade, he studied health and nutrition extensively. He also reads widely on topics like brain chemistry, behaviour patterns, motivation, beliefs, exercise, body image, linguistics, and emotions due to their impact on health and food choices. He works with clients on a one-on-one basis, lectures for the School of Natural Therapies in London, and runs online programs centred around health and nutrition. For more information check out

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