Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Great Waltz 逃兵的故事

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The Great Waltz 二次大戰期間俄國逃兵的真實故事變成小說
4.9 stars, 35 reviews

War. The ultimate test of the human condition.
Bravery. The ultimate sacrifice for one’s fellow man.
Heroism. Three youths who refused to take no for an answer.
Redemption. And one who did.

History does not remember cowards, but history will remember us! - Aleksy Marchankin Intent on being more than a footnote in the annals of history, one brave German and three Russians set out to defy Stalin, Hitler and two armies. In doing so, they created a legacy of bravery and courage that time could not dull, nor history forget. When courage under fire is about choosing who to trust, two young Russians put their faith in a German deserter. Sent to Moscow to turn him in, they instead plot a war-time escape. Joined by a rogue NKVD agent, the foursome's adventures are as intriguing as they are dangerous. Unrivalled in an originality that only a sense of youth and immortality can bring, they stop at nothing to reach freedom, while all of Russia wants to turn them in. A moment in history when ordinary people led extraordinary lives. A novel inspired by the true story of Alfred Liskow; 222nd Infantry Division Regiment of the 74th Infantry Division, Germany.

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