Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Outcry--Holocaust Memoirs 納粹集中營生還者的回憶錄

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Outcry--Holocaust Memoirs
4.8 stars, 147 reviews


Mendel (Manny) Steinberg spent his teens in Nazi extermination camps in Germany and Poland, miraculously surviving while millions perished. This is his story.
Born in 1925 in the Jewish ghetto in Radom (Poland), Manny soon realized that people of Jewish faith were increasingly being regarded as outsiders. In September 1939 the Nazis invaded, and the nightmare started. The city’s Jewish population had no chance of escaping and was faced with starvation, torture, sexual abuse and ultimately deportation.

Outcry is the candid and moving account of a teenager who survived four Nazi camps: Dachau, Auschwitz, Vaihingen and Neckagerach. While being subjected to torture and degradation, he agonized over two haunting questions: "Why the Jews?" and "How can the world let this happen?" These questions remain hard to answer.

Manny’s brother Stanley had jumped off the cattle wagon on the way to the extermination camp where his mother and younger brother were to perish. Desperately lonely and hungry, Stanley stood outside the compound hoping to catch a glimpse of Manny and their father. Once he discovered that they were among the prisoners, he turned himself in. The days were marked by hunger, cold, hard labor, and fear. Knowing that other members of the family were in the same camp kept them alive. Since acknowledging each other would have meant death, they pretended to be complete strangers.

Manny relates how he was served human flesh and was forced to shave the heads of female corpses and pull out their teeth. Cherishing a picture of his beloved mother in his wooden shoe, he miraculously survived the terror of the Polish and German concentration camps together with his father and brother.

When the Americans arrived in April 1945, Manny was little more than a living skeleton, with several broken ribs and suffering from a serious lung condition, wearing only a dirty, ragged blanket.

This autobiography was written to fulfil a promise Manny made to himself during the first days of freedom. By publishing his Holocaust memoirs, he wants to ensure that the world never forgets what happened during WWII. The narrative is personal, unencumbered and direct.

Outcry touches the reader with its directness and simplicity. The story is told through the eyes of an old man forcing himself to relive years of intense suffering. It is an account of human cruelty, but also a testimony to the power of love and hope. Memoirs worthy of being adapted for the big screen.

About the Author
 Hersh Mendel (Manny) Steinberg, born in Radom (Poland) on May 25th, 1925 is a self made man. Although Manny spent his early years in Polish and German concentration camps and never attended school past the 3rd grade, he managed to always support his family while providing a foundation of strength and love. Outcry - Holocaust Memoirs, Manny's compelling life story, has captured the miracle of one man's determined will to survive. "I live for my wife, children, grandchildren and now my great-grandchildren." "When the German soldiers killed evecryone I loved, I knew my purpose was to not merely exist but to live." "Not a day goes by that I do not think of my childhood or family, but as long as I'm allowed to be here on earth, I will wake up every day feeling fortunate and blessed." Manny attributes his tenacity in pursuing his book publication to his wife of over 60 years: "Without the support of Mimi, it would have been very difficult to write my story."

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