Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Essentia: Part 1 科幻小說(精彩!)

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Essentia: Part 1
This is a very different kind of science fiction story, a clever story that has a well-written plot and character development. I am definitely HOOKED! I quickly finished Part 1, and now I MUST read Parts 2 and 3 (it really is very, very good!). Don't miss it!
五歲大的 Lucy 跟雅皮父母說他是外星人而且很堅持,該怎麼辦呢?

When Lucy, age 5, informs her mother that she is an alien, Maya does what any sensible mother would do: She asks what kind. She is wholly unprepared for Lucy's response.

Essentia is the tale of a little girl's unshakable belief and a mother trying do what is best for her child in the face of mounting evidence that perhaps, just maybe, her daughter is telling the truth.

This is Essentia, Part 1: Activate. Part 2: Enervate and Part 3: Resonate are now available.

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