Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Defeat Cancer 聽聽十五位醫生講解戰勝癌症的方法

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Defeat Cancer--15 Doctors of Integrative & Naturopathic Medicine Tell You How

發表在2004年的一項臨床研究顯示19902004年之間接受全盤化療的150,000癌症病患五年後的生存率僅僅2.1%Dr. Robert Eslinger)。傳統西醫的醫療方法只能有效地醫好少數幾種癌症,所以本書編者(醫療記者Connie Strasheim) 訪問了十五位比較開明的正規醫生,蒐集了大量寶貴的另類醫療實例,讓讀者節省時間和精力,找到自己最適合的醫療方法。


If you traveled the world for appointments with fifteen cancer doctors, you would discover many of the cutting-edge treatments used to heal the body from cancer. You would also spend thousands of dollars on hotels, plane tickets, and medical appointment fees-not to mention the time that it would take to embark on such a journey.

Even if you had the time and money to travel, would the physicians have enough time to answer all of your questions? Would you even know which questions to ask?

In this long-awaited book, health care journalist Connie Strasheim has done all the work for you. She conducted intensive interviews with fifteen highly regarded doctors who specialize in cancer treatment, asking them thoughtful, important questions, and then spent months compiling their information into organized, user-friendly chapters that contain the core principles upon which they base their approach to healing cancer. The practitioners interviewed are medical, osteopathic and naturopathic doctors, trained in a variety of integrative approaches to cancer treatment.

All aspects of treatment are covered, from anti-neoplastic (anti-cancer) remedies and immune system support, to dietary and lifestyle choices that result in the best outcomes for patients. The book also offers unique insights into healing, such as the pros and cons of different treatments and how to intelligently use chemotherapy. It discusses patient and practitioner challenges to healing, factors that affect healing, treatment outcomes and how to effectively combine multiple medical strategies to obtain the best results. Finally, it offers helpful insights to the friends and families of those coping with cancer. Cancer treatment is complex and controversial, and this book puts the treatment information you need in the palm of your hand.

Table of Contents:

(Note: Due to space limitations, only 9 of 15 chapters are shown in the Table of Contents below)

CHAPTER 1:  Stanislaw R. Burzynski, MD, PhD

What Cancer Is, What Causes It, and How to Treat It
The Role of Antineoplastons in Controlling Cancer Cells
How I Discovered Antineoplastons
Using Antineoplastons and Gene-Targeted Therapy to Treat Cancer
Treatment Process
Types of Antineoplastic and Gene-Targeted Medications
The Use of Antineoplastons for Other Diseases
Dietary and Supplement Recommendations
Preventing Cancer with Supplements
Treatment Outcomes
Training Other Doctors to Use Antineoplastons
Improving Cancer Care
The Problem with Conventional Oncology
When to Use Conventional Medicine to Treat Cancer
Side Effects of Gene-Targeted Therapies
Other Factors That Affect Patients' Healing
How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer
Roadblocks to Healing
Insurance Coverage for Treatments
The Politics of Cancer Treatment in the United States and My
Battle with the FDA
The Future of Cancer Treatment
Last Words
Useful Websites
Contact Information for  Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD

CHAPTER 2: Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
Treatment Protocol
Nutrient Supplementation
Pancreatic Enzymes
Considerations in Treatment
Treatment Outcomes
Other Doctors Who Do Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy
The Role of Stress, the Mind and Spirituality in Healing
The Problem with Conventional Cancer Care
Why Oncologists Use Conventional Medicine,
Even When It Doesn't Work
The Politics of Cancer and How It Affects Treatment Options
My Greatest Challenge as a Practitioner
How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones with Cancer
Last Words
Contact Information for Nicholas Gonzalez

CHAPTER 3: Robert Zieve, MD

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
The Role of Emotions in Cancer Development and
Healing Emotional Trauma
Treatment Approach
IPT--Insulin Potentiation Therapy and Metronomic Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Sensitivity and Other Types of Testing
Addressing Growth Factors in Cancer
Building Up the Body with Botanicals, Vitamins and
Other Nutrients
Improving Cellular Energy and Immune Function
Building a Treatment Protocol in Layers
The Multi-Faceted Benefits of Herbal Remedies for Treating Cancer
Dietary Recommendations
Treatment Outcomes
Patient/Practitioner Challenges to Healing
Risky Cancer Treatments and What Constitutes Good Science
Why Oncologists Aren't Open to "Alternative" Cancer Treatments
How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved Ones
with Cancer
Who Heals From Cancer?
Last Words
Contact Information for Robert Zieve, MD

CHAPTER 4: Colleen Huber, NMD

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
Treatment Approach
IV Treatments
Vitamin C
Alkalinizing Agents, Including Sodium Bicarbonate
Vitamin A
Considerations in Treatment
Dietary Recommendations for Healing
Treating Hormonal Imbalances
The Pros and Cons of PET Scans
Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing
Treatment Plan Duration
Treatment Outcomes
Roadblocks to Healing
Insurance Coverage for Treatments
Inexpensive Cancer Treatments
Ineffective/Dangerous Cancer Treatments
How Friends and Family Can Help Their Loved Ones with Cancer
Final Words
Recommended Resources
Contact Information for Colleen Huber, NMD

CHAPTER 5: Juergen Winkler, MD

How I Became Involved in Integrative Medicine
Treatment Approach
IPT--Insulin Potentiation Therapy
Chemotherapy Sensitivity Testing
Pre-Chemotherapy Nutritional Protocol
Tailoring Treatments to the Individual Patient
Conventional Chemotherapy versus IPT
Treating Hormone Imbalances
Treating Immune System Imbalances and Infections
Balancing Brain Chemistry
Other Tests and Treatments to Heal and Support the Body
pH-Balancing Treatments
Magnet Therapy
Dietary Recommendations
Treatment Duration
Logistics of Treatment
Treatment Outcomes
Roadblocks to Healing
Patient/Practitioner Challenges of Healing
Dangerous/Ineffective Treatments
Last Words
Contact Information for Juergen Winkler, MD

CHAPTER 6: Elio Martin Rivera Celaya, MD, with Steven Hines

About Hope Wellness Center
What Causes Cancer
Testing and Treatment Approach
Controlling the Over-Expression of Estrogen Receptors
 on Cancer Cells
Restoring Proper Cellular and Immune
Function with Electrolytes and Other Nutrients
The Relationship between Fungal Infections and Cancer
Anti-Coagulant Therapy
Inhibiting the MDR-1 Pump
Dendritic Cell Vaccines and Stem Cell Therapies
Dietary Recommendations
Balancing the Hormones and Neurotransmitters
Treatment Outcomes
Factors That Influence Healing
Roadblocks to Healing
What More People Should Know About Cancer Treatments
Our Greatest Challenge as Practitioners Who Treat Cancer
Dangerous and Ineffective Cancer Treatments
Inexpensive, but Effective, Cancer Treatments
How Family and Friends Can Support Their Loved
Ones with Cancer
Final Words
Other Recommended Books/Websites
Contact Information for  Elio Martin Rivera-Celaya, MD and Steven Hines

CHAPTER 7: Martin Dayton, MD, DO

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
Diagnostic and Testing Procedures
Treatment Approach
IPT-Insulin Potentiation Therapy
Natural Substances to Poison Glycolysis and Prevent Angiogenesis
Other Anti-Cancer Nutrients
Using Pharmaceutical Drugs Off-Label: Viagra,
naltrexone and Persantine
Immune Support
Dietary Recommendations
Strategies for Emotional Healing
The Importance of Awareness, Spontaneity and Intimacy
Healing Regret, Resentment and Self-Righteousness
Using Energetic Devices and Homeopathy to
Release Emotional Trauma
Treatment Outcomes
Roadblocks to Healing
Low-Cost Treatment Solutions
How Family and Friends Can Help Their Loved Ones with Cancer
Recommended Books and Websites
Last Words
Contact Information for Martin Dayton, MD, DO

CHAPTER 8: Robert Eslinger, DO, HMD

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
Strategies for Mind-Body Healing
Cancer Treatment Approach
Boosting Immune Function
Bio-Oxidative Therapies
Intravenous Vitamin C
Insulin Potentiation Therapy
MEAD Analysis and Balancing the Body's Meridians
Other Adjunct Treatments
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation or Biophotonic Therapy
Revici Remedies
Heavy Metal Chelation
Earthing or Grounding Therapy
Dietary Recommendations
Treatment Duration
Treatment Outcomes
Roadblocks/Challenges to Healing
How Family and Friends Can Help Their Loved Ones with Cancer
Risky Treatment Approaches
Dangerous/Ineffective Treatments
Final Words
Contact Information for Robert Eslinger, DO, HMD

CHAPTER 9: Nina Reis, MD, and Hufeland Klinik (Clinic)

What Cancer Is and What Causes It
Our Holistic Approach to Healing
Treatment Protocol
Thymus Therapy
Local and Moderate Whole Body Hyperthermia
Fever Therapy
Permanent Shower Therapy
Programmed Oxygen Multi-Step Therapy (OMT)
Ozone Therapy
COHT - Colon Hydrotherapy
Massage Cupping
Vitamin E
Vitamin D-3
Vitamin C
High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy
Auto-Hormone Therapy (AHT)
Other Natural Anti-Cancer Treatments
Additional Treatments
Conventional Therapies
Treatment Procedure
Length of Treatment and Maintenance Program
Psychological/Mental Health Treatments
Painting Classes
Clay Therapy
Visualization Therapy
Treatment Outcomes
Factors That Influence Healing and Roadblocks to Healing
The Problem with Conventional Cancer Treatments
Lifestyle Recommendations for Healing
How Friends and Family Can Support Their Loved
Ones with Cancer
Contact Information for  Hufeland Klinik and Nina Reis, MD

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