Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Spirit of the Road--The Life of an American Trucker 脫胎換骨改行當卡車司機

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Spirit of the Road--The Life of an American Trucker...and his cat
This book does a great deal to dispel stereotypes about truck drivers, some of whom (like the author), are actually very intelligent, thoughtful people who do an essential job which most non-drivers should not take for granted.
從事廣播業二十年的 Rick Huffman 決定脫胎換骨改行當卡車司機,剛上路的第一個月就認養一隻小貓,沒想到Kitty在美國的道路上陪伴他十年。這本書完全破除一般人對卡車司機的刻板印象,其實高學歷的卡車司機蠻多

Spirit of the Road: The Life of an American Trucker embarks on a one-year journey across the United States in an eighteen-wheeler. It runs the gambit from a wide-eyed rookie in Commercial Driving school to the eventual embracing of a new lifestyle at a dusty little truck stop in Crab Orchard, Tennessee.

Having made the transition to trucking after spending 20 years in television broadcasting, the author sets a comical tone from the very first chapter in a “fish-out-of-water” story. However, the dangers and challenges of life in a big truck are very real, and the book takes on a more somber tone to describe this aspect of road life. The reader is also introduced to little-known, funny, or unusual historical facts about some of the places visited while they are along for the ride. The objective of this book is to give the reader an entertaining, yet candid, picture of the life of a long haul trucker with a little slice of Americana on the side.

This book always keeps the reader in mind, and strives to both inform and entertain. Another unique feature is the inclusion of a “traveling cat” in the story. The comical and, sometimes, poignant adventures of “Kitty” are interwoven throughout the book and promises to hold appeal for pet lovers.

The trucking lifestyle has been depicted in various television series and movies and, as with any job that holds a degree of adventure and danger, it sparks the interest of the general public. The life of the American trucker still holds a bit of the rugged explorer’s lifestyle. The trucker is usually far from home and uncertain what lies around the next bend. Curiosity about the unknown is an attractive feature to the general reader. Spirit of the Road: The Life of an American Trucker is a book that touches into a cornerstone of a lifestyle that few people know about, but that hides a passionate group that bears further study, namely, truck drivers.

About the Author
Rick Huffman began a broadcasting career in 1985 as a part-time disc-jockey. Soon making the transition to television, Rick was involved in every aspect of production over a 20 year span, which eventually led him to New York. Fed up with high-strung bosses, Rick totally changed gears in 2005 and started driving an 18-wheeler across the country for the next five years.

After making a career change to trucking, it did not take long to see that a story of this unique lifestyle waited to be told. He began taking daily notes on the adventures of road life, intent on telling a story of a passionate group of whom little is known by the general public, namely, truckers.

Huffman is a veteran of the United States Navy where he served aboard a nuclear fast-attack submarine during the cold war era. No longer on the road, he currently works in IT support and spends his spare time with his family and pursuing a lifelong passion of writing. "Kitty" is enjoying her retirement from the road, and is doing pretty well for a senior cat. Huffman is a native of Huntsville, Alabama, but currently resides in El Paso, Texas.

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