Wednesday, January 14, 2015

100 Famous Entrepreneurs 一百位最出名的創業家(企業家)

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100 Famous Entrepreneurs

Both beginning and seasoned entrepreneurs will find this book indispensable! 100 Famous Entrepreneurs: The Best Startup Advice For Entrepreneurs contains time-tested advice that has helped each of the entrepreneurs mentioned establish million, and in many cases billion, dollar companies. Each chapter contains the best startup advice given by one of the following entrepreneurs:

Aaron Levie - Box
Aaron Patzer - Mint
Alan Schaaf - Imgur
Andrew Mason - Groupon
Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie Steel Company
Anita Roddick – The Body Shop
Barbara Corcoran – The Corcoran Group
Barry Diller – Fox Broadcasting
Ben Horowitz - Andreessen Horowitz
Ben Kaufman - Quirky
Ben Silbermann - Pinterest
Bill Gates - Microsoft
Biz Stone – Twitter
Bob Parsons - GoDaddy
Brian Chesky - Airbnb
Carlos Slim – Grupo Carso
Caterina Fake - Flickr
Chad Hurley - YouTube
Chris Dixon - Hunch
Coco Chanel - Chanel
Colonel Harlan Sanders – KFC
Craig McCaw – Clearwire
Danae Ringelmann - Indiegogo
Dave McClure – 500 Startups
David Karp - Tumblr
David Ogilvy – Ogilvy, Benson, and Mather
Daymond John - FUBU
Dennis Crowley – Foursquare
Donald Trump – The Trump Organization
Drew Houston - Dropbox
Duncan Bannatyne - Bannatyne's Health Clubs
Dustin Moskovitz – Facebook
Elon Musk – Tesla Motors
Esther Dyson – Space Angels Network
Ev Williams – Twitter
Fred Deluca - Subway
Fred Smith - FedEx
Fred Wilson – Union Square Ventures
Gurbaksh Chahal - BlueLithium
Henry Ford – Ford Motor Company
Howard Schultz - Starbucks
Ingvar Kamprad - IKEA
Jack Dorsey – Twitter
Jack Ma - Alibaba
James Dyson – The Dyson Company
Jason Calacanis – Weblogs
Jeremy Stoppelman - Yelp
Jeff Bezos - Amazon
Jeff Clavier – SoftTech VC
Joel Spolsky – Stack Overflow
John Mackey – Whole Foods Market
John Paul Getty – Getty Oil Company
Jonah Peretti – BuzzFeed
Josh James – Omniture
Joshua Schachter - Delicious
J.W. Marriott – JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts
Keith Rabois – Khosla Ventures
Kevin Rose - Digg
Kevin Systrom - Instagram
Larry Page - Google
Logan Green - Lyft
Lori Greiner – QVC
Marc Andreessen – Andreessen Horowitz
Marc Benioff –
Mark Cuban – Dallas Mavericks
Mark Pincus - Zynga
Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook
Martha Stewart – Martha Stewart Living
Masaru Ibuka - Sony
Matt Mullenweg - Wordpress
Max Levchin - PayPal
Michael Dell – Dell
Milton Hershey – The Hershey Company
Nick Woodman - GoPro
Paul Buchheit - Y-Combinator
Paul Graham – Y-Combinator
Perry Chen - Kickstarter
Pete Cashmore - Mashable
Peter Thiel – PayPal
Phil Libin - Evernote
Reed Hastings - Netflix
Reid Hoffman - LinkedIn
Richard Branson – Virgin Group
Robert Herjavec – The Herjavec Group
Robert Kiyosaki – Cashflow Technologies
Ron Conway – Altos Computer Systems
Sam Altman – Y-Combinator
Sam Walton - Walmart
Sara Blakely - Spanx
Scott McNealy – Sun Microsystems
Sean Parker - Napster
Seth Godin - Squidoo
Sheldon Adelson – Las Vegas Sands
Steve Blank – E.piphany
Steve Case – America Online
Steve Jobs - Apple
Steve Wozniak - Apple
Thomas Edison – General Electric
Tim Ferriss – The 4-Hour Workweek
Tony Hsieh - Zappos

The advice given covers everything from how to generate business ideas, separate good ideas from bad ideas, validate an idea, build a prototype, build a team, and build a company. This is a book you'll find yourself referring back to time-and-time again, consulting the greatest entrepreneurs who ever lived!

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