Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Beekeeping For Beginners 第一次養蜂

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Beekeeping For Beginners

Raising bees is one small step toward becoming self-sufficient. If properly stored, honey lasts for years. It provides vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances that you can share with your family and friends. What's more, raw honey from certain sources (not pasteurized honey from a supermarket), such as Manuka honey, can be used as a dressing for wounds. This has been known for centuries.

Scientific American 1-minute podcast (January 31, 2012): "Honey Helps Heal Wounds": http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/honey-helps-heal-wounds-12-01-31/
Based on research published in Microbiology: "Manuka honey inhibits the development of Streptococcus pyogenes biofilms and causes reduced expression of two fibronectin binding proteins": http://mic.sgmjournals.org/content/early/2012/01/31/mic.0.053959-0.abstract

Of course, this is just a beginner's book (50+ pages), so the author only covers the basics.

Author's blurb:
Here are just some of the things you'll discover inside this Beginner's Beekeeping Guide Book -

- The Main Benefits for Keeping Bees
- What You Must Know In Order to Get Started
- The Exact Equipment You Will Need to Succeed with This
- Where to Position Your Hives For Best Results (getting this wrong can mean serious trouble!)
- The Different Types Of Honey Bees & Ones You Can Expect to Keep
- Each Bee's Purpose For Keeping The Hive Going
- What You MUST Do To Care For Your Bees When Seasons Change
- How To Deal With Problems With Your Hive When They Occur

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