Monday, December 1, 2014

Failing Upwards 失敗為成功之母

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 

Failing Upwards: Discover the importance of failure on your way to success

"When I think of failure, I like to think of it as a hurdle on a race track. It is up ahead of myself (the runner) and I need to calculate when to change my direction upwards. Is my hurdle (failure) the end of the road? No, it's just an obstacle in the way I need to overcome in order to cross the finish line. That explains what this book is about in a nut shell." ~ Benjamin A. Chapin

I have failed so many times at so many different things. My life is a chunk of failures, but guess what? Those failures lead to my successes also. I have experienced the downright worst of times and also have had some success. On our way to success, we have to understand that failure is a part of our progress and should be embraced, not avoided.

Instead of having fear, we need to embrace failure firmly, look for the signs and learn every time we face it. Failure is not a burden and offers incredible value if we know how to approach it. This book was written to help people embrace that concept. At the end of this book, you will have a firm understanding of failure and how to use it to your benefit.

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