Monday, December 1, 2014

#Berlin45: The Final Days of Hitler's Third Reich 用社交媒體敘述納粹德國的尾聲

[Sorry: this book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period for is over]
#Berlin45: The Final Days of Hitler's Third Reich

What if there had been social media during World War II?

This is not a book in the usual book format. It is the compelling story of the final 20 days of Hitler's Third Reich told in the form of Twitter feeds with daily tweets and actual statements by Hitler, Churchill, Truman, Zhukov, Eisenhower, Goebbels, Bormann, Weidling, Krebs, Keitel, Jodl, Patton, Bradley, Heinrici, Konev, Chuikov, Eva Braun and many others.

The story begins with the announcement of, and reactions to, the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and follows the thoughts and actions of the main participants through the capture of Vienna, the Battle of Seelow Heights, the liberation of the concentration camps, the Battle of Berlin, the death of Hitler and the eventual surrender of Reich forces.

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