Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Evolution Through Nutrition 多吃植物性食品對人類的益處

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Evolution Through Nutrition: How Eating More Plants Will Help Our Species Survive, Thrive, and Evolve

Humans have a tremendous amount of potential. We have the ability to accomplish unbelievable feats of strength and athleticism with our bodies, we can remember massive amounts of detailed information and perform complex calculations with our minds, and we can contemplate the nature of reality and the meaning of life. There is a problem, though. Most of us are too mentally and physically sick to realize this potential.

Despite all of the advances in medical and nutrition science, food is killing and disabling more people today than ever before. In Evolution though Nutrition, Ross Vollmer shows us how food actually affects us at every level of our health, why everyone is so confused about what to eat, and what we can do to fix the problem. He shows us that if we use food as a tool for growth instead of simply eating to satisfy cravings, we can evolve into the most powerful versions of ourselves and realize our true potential, both as individuals and as a species.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

How Our Population gets their Nutrition Education

Why Everyone is So Confused About What to Eat

The Disconnect Between Modern Medicine and Nutrition

The Impact of Poor Nutrition on Your Physical Health

The Impact of Poor Nutrition on Your Mental and Emotional Health

How Our Food Choices are Destroying the Environment

How We Can Eat to Cure Ourselves and the Planet

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