Monday, December 1, 2014

Building A Portrait 人物攝影技巧

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Building A Portrait

Learn to take better pictures



  Neutral Density Filters
  Graduated Filters
How To Build A Portrait:

Terminology And The Overall Shape Of The Photograph

  Size Matters

Composition Tips:

Make Sure Your Photographs Tell A Story

  Anti - Level Shoulders
  Sit Up Straight
  Use The "Rule Of Thirds" If It Makes Sense
  Fill The Frame
  Follow The Eyes
  Who is the star
  Focus On The Most Important Feature - The Eyes
  Depth Of Field
  Skin, Love It Or Leave It
  Bare Skin Continued


Women Should Look Sexy And Pretty, Men Should Appear Powerful

  The Symmetrical Face
  Sexism In Portrait Photography
  Here's A Really HARD Photo Tip

Problem Area Fixes:

  Differently Sized Eyes
  The Crooked Nose
  Acne Scarred And Wrinkled Skin
  Here's A Photo Tip That May Require Some Begging
  Round and Chubby Faces
  The Neck Wattle
  Photography Clothing Tips
  The "Photographic Ground Modification System"

Photo Exercises:

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