Friday, December 5, 2014

Broaden yourself!

[Written on December 5, 2014]

Dear Readers,

Three or four times per week, I recommend *valuable* Kindle books on many different topics, so please do check this blog once in a while. Checking every day is easy, just two or three minutes to look at the current batch of titles, five or six each time. Click on whatever seems slightly interesting to you, even if you don't have time to read it today/this month/this year. You can always read a book later.

Today, for example, I posted a book about beekeeping. Although my wife is afraid of bees, and we don't live in the countryside (yet), beekeeping is something I would like to try one day: 

1) If I harvest my own honey, I am sure it will be clean. 

2) What's more, some kinds of raw honey can help wounds heal faster, so I might try that, too. 

3) Best of all, butter and honey taste great on bread!

Whatever I read, I am broadening my knowledge and (occasionally) improving my vocabulary. When I meet people in the future, I will always have fresh topics to talk about, so I won't be bored, and I often know what people with other specialties or backgrounds are talking about. You can do it, too. Read!

*Valuable* usually means:

1) 4~5 stars

2) Many reviews on Amazon

3) An interesting topic, noteworthy topic

4) A minimum of errors (spelling, grammar, layout etc.)

When I have time and energy, I leave detailed reviews for certain books. Of course, I also sometimes make mistakes. If you think I missed some problems, or that one of my choices was a dud, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly.

Happy reading!

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