Monday, December 1, 2014

New America-Books 1 & 2 美國崩潰

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 
These are the first two books of a three-book series. The writer is a policeman with 17 years of experience who sees *the writing on the wall*:
Public Domain: Rembrandt, Belshazzar's Feast

The United States is in deep trouble. May God protect this country. May its citizens turn things around and keep these books in the realm of science fiction!

New America-Book 1: Collapse
New America-Book 2: Resistance

Book 1 Blurb:
America is falling, ready to join the Roman Empire as a distant memory in the annals of history. The year is 2027. Tired and desperate, the American people are deep in the middle of The Second Great Depression. The Florida coastline is in ruins from the most powerful hurricane on record; a second just like it is bearing down on the state of Texas. For the first time in history, the Middle East has united as one and amassed the most formidable army the world has seen since the Third Reich. A hidden army of terrorists is on American soil. This is the story of three men: Howard Beck, the world’s richest man, also diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. Richard Dupree, ex-Navy SEAL turned escaped convict. Maxwell Harris, a crippled, burned out Chief of Police of a small Texas town. At first they must fight for their own survival against impossible odds. Finally, the three men must band together to save their beloved country from collapse.
Book 2 Blurb:
BOOK TWO in the New America Series. Eighteen months after the Collapse of 2027, the former United States is divided. On one side is the evil and tyrannical Unified American Empire, controlled by President Simon Sterling, the man responsible for the death of the last legitimate president, Malcolm Powers. On the other side, President Howard Beck controls the Pacific States of America, the last hope for democracy and freedom. The two adversaries become embroiled in a bitter game of deception, betrayal, and espionage while battling an even more imposing menace that could easily destroy the very nation they are both desperately fighting to control.
Author's Intro:
Richard Stephenson is a seventeen year veteran of law enforcement, beginning with the United States Army as a Military Policeman and currently working in federal law enforcement. Richard's true passion is in writing. Book one in the New America Series "Collapse" has become an Amazon best-seller with over four hundred five star reviews. Book three in the New America series, Redemption, is slated for a fall 2014 release.

*"The writing on the wall"* is an English idiom referring to coming disaster. This is a phrase taken from the Hebrew Bible (Daniel, Chapter 5): the king of the Babylonians sees a hand writing a strange message on a wall. This is a warning that the king is about to die:

The Bible Gateway gives you an English version:

The Net Bible Chinese version(英文典故:舊約,但以理書第五章第五節):

5:1 伯沙撒王為他的一千貴胄設擺盛筵,與這一千人飲酒。
5:2 伯沙撒歡飲之間吩咐人將他父尼布甲尼撒從耶路撒冷殿中所沒收的金銀器皿拿來,使王與大臣、皇后、妃嬪好用這器皿飲酒。
5:3 於是,他們把耶路撒冷  神殿庫房中所沒收的金銀器皿拿來,王和大臣、皇后、妃嬪就用這器皿飲酒。5:4 他們飲酒,讚美金、銀、銅、鐵、木、石的各種神。
5:5 當時,忽有人的指頭顯出,在王宮中燈台對面的粉牆上寫字。王就看著寫字的手背。
5:6 之後,王就臉色蒼白,心意驚惶;腰骨好像脫節,雙膝彼此相碰。
5:7 王大聲吩咐傳召星象家、智者、並觀兆的。王對巴比倫的智者說:「誰能讀這文字,把講解告訴我,他必身穿紫袍,帶金項圈,在我國中位列第三。」
5:8 於是王的一切智者都進來,卻不能讀那文字,也不能把講解告訴王。
5:9 伯沙撒王就非常驚惶,全身發顫。他的貴胄也十分惶恐。

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