Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Defining the New Normal 得了絕症不一定走絕路

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Defining the New Normal: A Guide to Becoming More Than Your Diagnosis

What do you do when life hands you a diagnosis that turns your life upside down? You re-define everything.

You know you’re going to need to make big changes in how you care for your- self, but directives such as “eat right” and “listen to your body” do little to support someone who is struggling to re-define life as a patient.

This book takes the reader step-by-step through how to make real and sustaining wellness changes from tip to toe. Along the way, you will take a look at your own past choices, make some new ones, hear stories from those who are making it happen, and come out the other side stronger and more in control of your medical outcome than you dreamed possible.

Written by a certified health coach, educator, and someone who just happens to be a survivor of a critical illness, get ready for straight-talking advice, insightful questions, and THE guide to what works to see real change. If you believe you can be more than your diagnosis but could use a little support getting there, this book is what you’ve been waiting for.

About the Author:
Colleen Brunetti started her career as a teacher, but after the diagnosis of a critical lung disease (Pulmonary Hypertension) in 2008, she was forced to leave the field. Faced with possible death, and almost certain disability, Colleen began a journey to re-invent herself. Implementing a holistic lifestyle, which included both conventional medicine and alternative care, she began to heal. She eventually far surpassed every medical expectation, and in ways that could not be attributed to medication alone. Colleen became a certified health coach and now teaches other to do the same – to thrive, not just survive with critical disease. Colleen has traveled the country speaking to doctors, researchers, and patients, and has spoken formally to the FDA twice on her experiences. In addition, she has pioneered a project that is revolutionizing the specialty pharmacy industry for her disease. Colleen’s other interests in health coaching center around supporting busy moms and educators. She teaches stress reduction and lifestyle modification techniques that allow clients to reach their wellness goals, from weight loss and better eating, to more life balance and tranquility. Colleen loves to support those who make it their life’s work supporting others, especially parents and educators. Colleen resides in Connecticut with her husband and young son, a cat, a dog, and together they await a pending adoption placement for a little girl. You can follow Colleen’s health coaching work at www.ColleenBrunetti.com

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