Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Getting Digital Marketing Right 網路行銷技巧

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Getting Digital Marketing Right: A Simplified Process For Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing

Adventures of Alex and Katie (Russian folktale series: Adventures 1-3)

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Adventures of Alex and Katie: Books 1-3 in one convenient package
16 reviews, 4.9 stars: This is a keeper! There are four volumes so far, so don't forget to also look for Book 4.
The Baba Yaga mentioned in Russian folklore lives in a chicken feet house similar to this real house used by Sami people:

Foreign Invaders 基因改造食品與慢性疾病的關係

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Foreign Invaders: An Autoimmune Disease Journey through Monsanto's World of Genetically Modified (GM) Food
57 reviews, 4.9 stars

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

High Quality for Free! Save Money!

Readers who decide to download all of today's (December 17, 2014) books could save over $60! Imagine how much you could save if you did this every day! Check this blog regularly for handpicked high quality books. Free!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Broaden yourself!

[Written on December 5, 2014]

Dear Readers,

Three or four times per week, I recommend *valuable* Kindle books on many different topics, so please do check this blog once in a while. Checking every day is easy, just two or three minutes to look at the current batch of titles, five or six each time. Click on whatever seems slightly interesting to you, even if you don't have time to read it today/this month/this year. You can always read a book later.

Today, for example, I posted a book about beekeeping. Although my wife is afraid of bees, and we don't live in the countryside (yet), beekeeping is something I would like to try one day: 

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll 埃及捲軸之謎(國高中程度)

Mystery of the Egyptian Scroll (for middle school~high school readers)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Toaster's Grandfather 烤麵包機的爺爺

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My Toaster's Grandfather: A Simple Look at Lean Operations from a Toaster's Point of View

The Last Layover 美國社會瓦解後的飛行員歷險記

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The Last Layover: The New Homefront Volume 1

Chelyabinsk Superbolide 2013年車里雅賓斯克小行星撞擊事件

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Chelyabinsk Superbolide


From Wikipedia (
The Chelyabinsk meteor was a superbolide caused by a near-Earth asteroid that entered Earth's atmosphere over Russia on 15 February 2013. The object was undetected before its atmospheric entry, in part because its radiant was close to the Sun. Its explosion created panic among local residents and about 1,500 people were injured seriously enough to seek medical treatment. All of the injuries were due to indirect effects rather than the meteor itself, mainly from broken glass from windows that were blown in when the shock wave arrived, minutes after the superbolide's flash. Some 7,200 buildings in six cities across the region were damaged by the explosion's shock wave, and authorities scrambled to help repair the structures in sub-zero (°C) temperatures.
With an estimated initial mass of about 12,000–13,000 metric tonnes[7][8][9] (13,000–14,000 short tons, heavier than the Eiffel Tower), and measuring about 20 metres in diameter, it is the largest known natural object to have entered Earth's atmosphere since the 1908 Tunguska event, which destroyed a wide, remote, forested area of Siberia. The Chelyabinsk meteor is also the only meteor confirmed to have resulted in a large number of injuries.

Simple guide to World War I 圖解一次大戰

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Simple History: A Simple Guide to World War I - CENTENARY EDITION

This is a children's history done in picture book style, with very simple illustrations that look just like the one on the cover. Simple Geography: A Guide to Brazil, is another very enjoyable book by the same author (offered for free in November, 2014):

Khe 赫 (科幻小說)

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YMMV: A different type of science fiction story: 218 reviews, 4.4 stars

Job Shadowing

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Job Shadowing

More information on Wikipedia:

Say What Now about Italy

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Say What Now about Italy
This is an introduction to Italian culture written in storybook style.

Nordic Cuisine 北歐簡易食譜

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Nordic Cuisine

Spain Travel Guide

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Spain Travel Guide

Meet Bacteria 認識細菌

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Meet Bacteria

An unusual picture book for kindergarteners 幼稚園程度的圖畫故事書

Beyond The Pasta 意大利另類遊學

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Beyond The Pasta

Good Night Little Turtle

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Good Night Little Turtle

How to Homeschool 9th and 10th Grades 在家學習國三、高一

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How to Homeschool 9th and 10th Grades: Simple Steps for Starting Strong (The HomeScholar's Coffee Break Book series 28)

Cooking with the Alphabet 二十六個字母的食譜

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Cooking with the Alphabet 二十六個字母的食譜

Kala's Special Flowers 卡拉的花圃(兒童繪本)

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Kala's Special Flowers 卡拉的花圃

Hearers of the Constant Hum(科幻小說)

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Hearers of the Constant Hum

Aberto's Adventures (book1) 兒童繪本

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Aberto's Adventures. (book1)

The Last King of Poland 波蘭瓜分之前的最後一位國王

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The Last King of Poland (547 pages)

Confessions of a Scholarship Judge 贏得獎學金的秘訣

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Confessions of a Scholarship Judge: How Your Kid Can Easily Win $100,000 in Scholarships

This book was written by a man who has given away $100,000 himself: he tells you what to say or NOT to say. You can add Audible Narration for only $1.99!

Seriously Mum, What's an Alpaca? 英國人養羊駝歷險記

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Seriously Mum, What's an Alpaca?

You can also get the entire 348-page book read out loud (Audible narration) for only $1.99!

Here is a cute alpaca video

Live Organic 有機生活 52 招 (Almost Free--Only $0.01)

[NOT free, but only 1 cent ($0.01!)]
Live Organic (52 Brilliant Ideas)

The Shark in the Park 公園裡的鯊魚(兒童繪本:押韻)

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The Shark in the Park

You can listen to John Quiñones read the entire story on YouTube:

Hell in the Homeland

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Hell in the Homeland

How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Business 如何克服文化衝突

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How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Business

The Home That Watches Over Your Parents

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The Home That Watches Over Your Parents--Activity-tracking Home Sensor Systems

No Way Home 回不了家

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No Way Home-The Decline of the World's Great Animal Migrations

The Wolf's Tooth--Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity

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The Wolf's Tooth: Keystone Predators, Trophic Cascades, and Biodiversity

Defining the New Normal 得了絕症不一定走絕路

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Defining the New Normal: A Guide to Becoming More Than Your Diagnosis

Tabletop Aquaponics 室內魚菜共生

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Tabletop Aquaponics -- for Homes, Schools, Churches, Clubs, and Science Fairs

Charlie Robot 科幻+幽默

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Charlie Robot

Cats are All That!: Cattitude A through Z 養貓甘苦談ABC

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Cats are All That!: Cattitude A through Z


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Kingdom of Rarities 珍奇動物

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Kingdom of Rarities

I'll Follow the Moon 海龜尋母歷險記 (佳評如潮)

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I'll Follow the Moon

(1,458 customer reviews: 4.8 stars) 

Beekeeping For Beginners 第一次養蜂

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Beekeeping For Beginners

Raising bees is one small step toward becoming self-sufficient. If properly stored, honey lasts for years. It provides vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances that you can share with your family and friends. What's more, raw honey from certain sources (not pasteurized honey from a supermarket), such as Manuka honey, can be used as a dressing for wounds. This has been known for centuries.

Scientific American 1-minute podcast (January 31, 2012): "Honey Helps Heal Wounds":
Based on research published in Microbiology: "Manuka honey inhibits the development of Streptococcus pyogenes biofilms and causes reduced expression of two fibronectin binding proteins":

Of course, this is just a beginner's book (50+ pages), so the author only covers the basics.

The Me Myth 同情、啟發、助人為快樂之本

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The Me Myth - What do you mean it's not all about me?

Travel With Norm

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500 Tips from a pro traveller guaranteed to help you save money, stay safe, and enjoy the best vacation of your life

Life On Foot 長途步行美國見聞

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Life On Foot: A Walk Across America

Toxic World Toxic People 環境毒素

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Toxic World Toxic People




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Telomere Timebombs--Defusing the Terror of Aging 返老還童的醫學原理(幹細胞)

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Telomere Timebombs--Defusing the Terror of Aging

In this sixteen minute video, the Korean-American author explains some of the ideas behind TA-65 and regenerative medicine.