Thursday, November 27, 2014

Simple Geography: Brazil 兒童地理:巴西

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Simple Geography: Brazil

This book is an absolute treasure! What a pleasure it was to discover this geography book for young children (elementary and middle school reluctant readers)! I constantly oohed and aahed as I skimmed through the pages and admired the brightly-colored illustrations done by the author himself. I highly recommend this book for homeschoolers as well as ESL/EFL students.

I haven't read them yet, but the author has several other titles done in a similar style selling at $4.99 each, which seems quite reasonable.

Simple History: A simple guide to World War I - CENTENARY EDITION

Simple History: The Space Race

Simple History: A simple guide to Henry VIII


  1. The geography is no longer free

  2. Neither do henry 3 and space race.

    1. If you read the review carefully, you will see that it says: "the author has several other titles done in a similar style selling at $4.99 each." These books were not free then and they are not free now.

      By the way, this king's name is Henry VIII, not Henry III. Henry VIII (pronounced "Henry the Eighth") became king when his father Henry VII ("Henry the Seventh") died. Henry I reigned from 1100 to 1135. That's a lot of Henries!

  3. Thanks for your comment. If you read the review for the World War I book carefully, you will see that it says "Simple Geography: A Guide to Brazil, is another very enjoyable book by the same author (offered for free in November, 2014)." November was TWO months ago.
