Sunday, November 30, 2014

Python Rails Programming

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Python Rails Programming

Six Tourist-Free Itineraries for the Foodie Traveler in Tuscany 意大利美食之旅

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Six Tourist-Free Itineraries for the Foodie Traveler in Tuscany

How to Make Money While Traveling 一邊旅遊,一邊賺錢:使用指南

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
 How to Make Money While Traveling: A Practical Guide to Make Money Online, Find Jobs Abroad, and Travel the World

Alex, the Boy Who Watched Too Much TV

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Alex, the Boy Who Watched Too Much TV

True Stories of Near Death Experiences 瀕死經驗

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True Stories of Near Death Experiences and Afterlife Communication. Heaven is Real; Heaven Exists; Evidence of Life After Death, Proof of the Afterlife.

 A near death experience (NDE) is when someone almost dies and then he feels things like his life flashes before his eyes. Wikipedia English

Wikipedia Chinese: 瀕死經驗英語:near-death experienceNDE)或臨死經驗是一種在接近死亡時一些人所經歷的現象。這些現象包括靈魂出竅、看見天堂地獄、看見親人、看見宗教人物或上帝、回顧一生的生活、極度的恐懼、完全的平靜、安全感、溫暖、徹底的破碎感、一道亮光的出現、甚至看見超我和超時空的東西、以及其他超驗的現象。

Don't Juggle Bees 不要拿蜜蜂來丟擲

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
Don't Juggle Bees

Allie's Yellow Jacket

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 
Allie's Yellow Jacket
(38 reviews, 4.9 stars, 18 MBytes of beautiful illustrations)

Soccer Skills Mastery 足球技巧

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Soccer Skills Mastery

How To Buy Property In Spain 西班牙房地產投資

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How To Buy Property In Spain

Baking with Cookie Molds

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Baking with Cookie Molds: Secrets and Recipes for Making Amazing Handcrafted Cookies for Your Christmas, Holiday, Wedding, Party, Swap, Exchange, or Everyday Treat
(4.8 stars, 48 reviews) (31+ MB, 212 pages, so it will take a little longer to download)

SCI-FI: Quantum Zoo 科幻動物園短篇小說

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Quantum Zoo
A collection of short science fiction stories connected with zoos, perfect for busy people

250 Laugh-Out-Loud Clean Jokes for Kids

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250 Laugh-Out-Loud Clean Jokes for Kids

What's Your Problem?

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What's Your problem? No, really, what IS your Problem?: The Sherlock Holmes Guide to Problem Identification (The Production Line Book 1)
“What's Your problem?” 是雙關語﹐字面上的意思是『你的問題出在哪裡?』﹐引申意義是『你煩不煩!』

Love Travel Plan 創新出國計畫

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Love Travel Plan: An Innovative Guide & Workbook, Packing Secrets & Strategic Travel Deals
4.8 stars, 18 reviews!

Food for Thought 勵志名言、人生格言

[Sorry: this book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 

Food for Thought - 365 Christian Quotes to start your day with

Atheists, Buddhists and other non-Christians need not worry: many of these quotes are by famous people who are not trying to force you to read the Bible. The title of the book is accurate: food for thought.

Cooking for Children: Cooking in a Cup

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Cooking in a Cup: Easy recipes for muffin tin meals (Cooking with Kids Series Book 3)

Road to Damascus 美國新娘敘利亞回憶錄

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 

Road to Damascus
Partial story (it stops in 1973) of an American woman married to a Syrian (her husband later became the Minister of the Economy).

Waiter 101

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Waiter 101

How to Start a Pet Photography Business

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How to Start a Pet Photography Business

True Christmas Story

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The True Christmas Story 根據路加福音第二章

Simplify Your Homeschool Day 在家自學事半功倍

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 
 Simplify Your Homeschool Day

Gasparilla's Treasure 國中生尋寶歷險記

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
Gasparilla's Treasure (187 page free book with real narration for only $1.99!)

How to Teach Your Child 在家自學的簡易方法

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How to Teach Your Child: Simple Tools for Homeschool Moms

Homeschooling is one of the best ways to give children a strong moral sense while ensuring that they become successful, confident, well-socialized young men and women.

Take the Dog Out 誰要遛狗?

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A picture book with with words that repeat, suitable for kindergarten children.
Take the Dog Out (150 reviews, 4.6 stars)

Feardom--How Politicians Exploit Your Emotions 政客如何操縱老百姓的情緒

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Feardom--How Politicians Exploit Your Emotions and What You Can Do to Stop Them

Autism - A Practical Guide for Parents 自閉症實用指南

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Autism - A Practical Guide for Parents

Yorkshire Terrier Training 約克夏訓練法

Yorkshire Terrier Training

Kids Book About Ladybugs 瓢蟲問答

[Sorry: worth reading, but free promotion period is over]
Kids Book About Ladybugs

SCI-FI--The Never Hero

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The Never Hero

SCI-FI--Sixth Sense, The 第六感(菲洛蒙)

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The Sixth Sense

Smart Eating Smart Thinking

[Sorry: this book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
Smart Eating Smart Thinking: How I Boosted My Intelligence, Increased My IQ and Grew New Brain Cells By Changing My Food

Breakfast Sandwich Maker Cookbook 早餐店DIY

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The Breakfast Sandwich Maker Cookbook

TRAVEL: For 91 Days in Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡91天深度旅遊

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For 91 Days in Sri Lanka

How to Home School Your Child

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over] 
How to Home School Your Child and Develop a Well Trained Mind 


Children's Novel: Shadow of the Volcano

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The Shadow of the Volcano, a children's story about Pompeii

Saturday, November 29, 2014

When Two Look Like One (Children's Book) 狗雙胞胎

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
When Two Look Like One

Smartphone Utopia 手機烏托邦

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Smartphone Utopia: The story of a man who learns how to use his mobile device to change his life

Wine Snobs Are Boring

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Wine Snobs Are Boring

Dome City Blues 洛城穹頂(科幻小說)

December 5th update: There is some morally objectionable content. This book is definitely NOT suitable for children, and many adults will be made uncomfortable by certain episodes. I have therefore removed the link and added a copy of my Amazon review.

Dome City Blues (mixed genre: mystery thriller & dystopian sci-fi)

Arts & Numbers 文藝界與理財觀

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Arts & Numbers: A Financial Guide for Artists, Writers, Performers, and Other Members of the Creative Class

Cowbell Principle 牛鈴原理

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The Cowbell Principle: Career Advice On How To Get Your Dream Job And Make More Money

Virus and Malware Removal Guide 病毒、惡意軟體刪除DIY

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Traveling Troy's Virus and Malware Removal Guide

How Not To Run A B&B

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How Not To Run A B&B--A Woman's True Memoir

But I Don't See You as Asian 可是我沒有把你當作亞洲人

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But I Don't See You as Asian

Sun Tzu The Art of Making Money 孫子『金』法

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Sun Tzu The Art of Making Money (4.5 stars, 24 reviews)

Bless the Bees 蜜蜂面臨滅絕:該怎麼辦呢?

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Bless the Bees

Encounters with Strangers 老外在紐約、老外在台灣

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Encounters with Strangers
Author's blurb:
Encounters with Strangers gives new meaning to the saying, "Never talk to strangers." Experience city living and traveling abroad in this humorous compilation of real-life interactions that happened between strangers and Nubia DuVall Wilson over the span of eight years. Starting as an obsession with compiling comical episodes on the New York City subway, Wilson’s collection of stories expanded over time to include situations while traveling and when she lived abroad in Taipei, Taiwan. From subway catfights and disgruntled panhandlers to bumping into celebrities, this book of outrageous shorts will keep readers entertained.