Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Legend of Lightning Larry: A Funny Cowboy Story

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Here is how this funny story starts:

This book is set in the Old West, where bad guys could be found on every street. In every nook and cranny you could find a rotten, no good outlaw. They feared nothing at all. After all, they were dirty and mean. As mean as mean can get. That is, until Lightning Larry rode into the town of Brimstone.

As he got off of his horse and entered the Cottonmouth Saloon, he had a smile as big as Texas on his face. As he walked to the bar and ordered a large cold mug of Lemonade everyone turned to see who it could be.
You will understand some of the jokes better if you know some key words:

If you smell brimstone 硫磺, you are probably in Hell 地獄, so "the town of Brimstone" is a very bad place like Hell. A cottonmouth is a very dangerous snake with a soft-looking white mouth (cotton is white), so the Cottonmouth Saloon is a bar full of bad guys. In the US, most people think lemonade is a drink for gentle people (cowboys drink strong whiskey), so the people in the saloon are very surprised to hear a cowboy ask for lemonade.
Cottonmouth www DOT flickr DOT com-photos-37371333 AT N02-5883728073- CC BY-NC-SA
A saloon (picture from a Public Domain comic book)
The Legend of Lightning Larry is here.

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