Sunday, November 30, 2014

What's Your Problem?

[Sorry: this book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
What's Your problem? No, really, what IS your Problem?: The Sherlock Holmes Guide to Problem Identification (The Production Line Book 1)
“What's Your problem?” 是雙關語﹐字面上的意思是『你的問題出在哪裡?』﹐引申意義是『你煩不煩!』

This seems like a very interesting approach to problem solving.

Author's blurb:
What's Your Problem? does NOT teach problem solving (Sherlock teaches that)—it teaches the thing you have to know BEFORE you try to solve problems—the thing Sherlock does first: figures out what the real problem is.

What you think, or feel, or guess is the problem is not going to help you.
That’s the way we misidentify problems. (Then we wonder why we can’t solve them.)

It requires a new look at approaching problems but it won’t take long to learn and there are case studies and examples to speed things along. ...

This step-by-step guide to problem identification teaches:

• How to find emotional blocks that stop you from identifying the real problems
• How to “see” hidden psychological biases that prevent problem identification
• How to correct poor thinking habits that camouflage the real problems

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