Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Outcry: Holocaust Memoirs 猶太人大屠殺回憶錄

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Although the events in Outcry occurred over half a century ago, history really does repeat itself, and thus the message presented by this book is very timely. 

 Author's blurb:
Outcry is the candid and moving account of a teenager who survived four Nazi camps: Dachau, Auschwitz, Vaihingen and Neckagerach. While being subjected to torture and degradation, he agonized over two haunting questions: "Why the Jews?" and "How can the world let this happen?" These questions remain hard to answer.
Over 80 years ago (1933), SA stormtroopers warned people not to buy products from Jewish stores: "Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews." (Public Domain photo from Wikimedia)

Almost eighty years later, a group of idiots in bikinis (Code Pink, better-looking than SA uniforms, but not much) organized a very similar protest in Los Angeles (CodePink-BeautyProductProtest-July2009--CC BY-SA codepinkhq)

Judeophobia (hatred of Jews) has not disappeared. Instead it has disguised itself as “criticism of Israel”, the only country in the world where Jews can lead their lives in peace without fearing that some powerful bigot may withdraw permission to lead Jewish lives (publish and read Jewish holy books, practice circumcision, eat Kosher food, walk in the street while wearing a kippah etc). Nobody ever criticizes the 57 Muslim countries for establishing nations where there is an official religion. That honor is reserved for israel, which grants religious freedom to all of its minorities. Go figure!

八十年前德國發動杯葛猶太公司的運動,當時歐洲美國有不少人發動類似的運動。八十年後的 BDS(Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions抵制,撤資和制裁)運動多少有一點雷同,只是穿著比較性感一點。

猶太人大屠殺雖然發生在半個多世紀前,歷史的確重演,因而作者呈現的信息是非常及時的。 Judeophobia(仇恨猶太人)並沒有消失,反而偽裝為批評以色列”。將近十五億人口的57個回教國家,沒有人批評他該不該存在,唯獨以色列收到一再譴責的殊榮,這是為什麼呢?Prager University 有進一步的訊息可供參考:

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