Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dome City Blues 洛城穹頂(科幻小說)

December 5th update: There is some morally objectionable content. This book is definitely NOT suitable for children, and many adults will be made uncomfortable by certain episodes. I have therefore removed the link and added a copy of my Amazon review.

Dome City Blues (mixed genre: mystery thriller & dystopian sci-fi)

Author's blurb:
David Stalin was one of the best detectives in the business, running head-to-head with data-jackers, organ thieves, and the tech-enhanced gangs who ruled the shadowy streets of Los Angeles. He could do no wrong, until what seemed like an easy case got out of control, and left his wife dead among the abandoned ruins of old LA.
I'm looking forward to reading this book (4.3 stars, 49 reviews so far).

December 5th:
 David Stalin comes across as a basically likable, self-deprecating character and the author does a good job showing how Mr Stalin slowly changes his outlook. Other characters are less nuanced, but still interesting. However, after finishing over 1/3 of this novel, I don't think it worthwhile to continue.


Although set some 50 years in the future, most of the technology in this story doesn't seem to have progressed very much Example: "convergence" is a current topic--why is it not yet a reality half a century from now?. Another example is where someone (I want to avoid spoilers) suggests using hair dye to conceal David's identity ("better than nothing"). Surely the author is aware of retinal scans, heat signatures and gait analysis? 50 years from now, there would have to be even more advanced techniques available. And why do characters alternate between being ignorant of the early 21st century and making occasional reference to things that no longer exist? Apart from some overly explicit sex scenes involving Mr. Stalin, the anachronisms are starting to grate on me. Yes, I know, you are supposed to suspend disbelief, but consistency helps a lot.

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