Friday, November 28, 2014

Culturism--Why African-Americans Must Stop Blaming Racism for Their Problems and Start Taking Full Responsibility

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Culturism--Why African-Americans Must Stop Blaming Racism for Their Problems and Start Taking Full Responsibility
From the author's blurb:
Black and white Americans don't understand the difference between racism and culturism. If black Americans understood culturism, they'd no longer accuse white people of being racist. If white Americans understood culturism, they'd no longer be on the receiving end of those accusations. More importantly, black Americans would begin taking full responsibility and accountability for fixing the problems that currently plague their community (instead of shifting blame). In this groundbreaking book, Scott Hampton irrefutably explains why culturism is the key to ending racial tensions in the United States, healing the black community, and making America a far more peaceful, harmonious, and hospitable place to live for citizens of all races.  

 Many US blacks are used to blaming white people for all of their problems. The author shows how they should instead examine the culture of low achievers that has prevented so many blacks from reaching their potential. This is the kind of book that many young Americans, brainwashed by leftist education, will instinctively hate without carefully considering what the author says. This book should be read by anyone who lives in or travels to the US.

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