Friday, November 28, 2014

Invent To Learn 為了學習而發明

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]

Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom
在一般教室裡,甚至在家裡拼拼湊湊 ,啟發想像力,創造力

This book explains why and how teachers should use 21st century tools to help children combine play with learning (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). Parents should not be afraid: if your school doesn't do this, get together with a few friends and do it yourself: invest in your children's education!

Author's blurb:
Children are natural tinkerers
Their seminal learning experiences come through direct experience with materials. Digital fabrication, such as 3D printing and physical computing, including Arduino, MaKey MaKey and Raspberry Pi, expands a child's toy and toolboxes with new ways to make things and new things to make. For the first time ever, childhood inventions may be printed, programmed or imbued with interactivity. Recycled materials can be brought back to life.

While school traditionally separates art and science, theory and practice, such divisions are artificial. The real world just doesn't work that way! Architects are artists. Craftsmen deal in aesthetics, tradition and mathematical precision. Video game developers rely on computer science. Engineering and industrial design are inseparable. The finest scientists are often accomplished musicians. The maker community brings children, hobbyists and professionals together in a glorious celebration of personal expression with a modern flare.

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