Thursday, November 27, 2014

To-Do List Makeover 建立待辦事項清單的秘訣

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
To-Do List Makeover

From the author's blurb:

DISCOVER: How to Create To-Do Lists That are Both Actionable and Doable

The truth is anyone can write a list. The hard part is creating a list that's actionable and also fits into your busy life. More often than not, people fill their lists with a disorganized mess of tasks, wants, needs and random ideas. Then they sit around and wonder why they're not getting significant results in their lives.

What's the solution?

Rethink the way you manage your daily life.

Specifically, you should use multiple lists that cover different types of task.
The author's good habit website is full of useful ideas:


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