Saturday, November 29, 2014

Skywalker on the Appalachian Trail 高個兒徒步美國東岸

[Sorry: worth buying, but the free promotion period is over]
Skywalker--Close Encounters on the Appalachian Trail (3,500 kilometers)
Skywalker 高個兒徒步美國東岸的阿帕拉契小徑(3,500公里)

4.4 out of 5 stars (261 customer reviews) 佳評如潮阿帕拉契小徑
Measuring six feet eleven inches tall, Mr. Walker's nickname, Skywalker, is very appropriate.
因為作者身高2.11公尺(= 英制 6‘11“),而且姓Walker,所以朋友給他取外號叫 Skywalker

Why would a middle-aged businessman who had never even spent the night outdoors, attempt to hike the entire Appalachian Trail? Bill Walker, a former commodities trader in Chicago and London, and an avid walker, had developed a virtual obsession to hike this historic 2,175 mile footpath in one hiking season. In the spring of 2005 he set off from his home state of Georgia, hoping to make it to Mount Katahdin in northern Maine before the arrival of winter. Immediately, he realized he had plunged into a whole new world. For starters, the Appalachian Trail has some ferociously difficult terrain, winding through dramatically diverse geography and covering the East's highest peaks.

Another book by the same author was reviewed on this blog:
Skywalker: Highs and Lows on the Pacific Crest Trail

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