Sunday, November 30, 2014

True Stories of Near Death Experiences 瀕死經驗

[Sorry! This book is still worth reading, but the free promotion period is over]
True Stories of Near Death Experiences and Afterlife Communication. Heaven is Real; Heaven Exists; Evidence of Life After Death, Proof of the Afterlife.

 A near death experience (NDE) is when someone almost dies and then he feels things like his life flashes before his eyes. Wikipedia English

Wikipedia Chinese: 瀕死經驗英語:near-death experienceNDE)或臨死經驗是一種在接近死亡時一些人所經歷的現象。這些現象包括靈魂出竅、看見天堂地獄、看見親人、看見宗教人物或上帝、回顧一生的生活、極度的恐懼、完全的平靜、安全感、溫暖、徹底的破碎感、一道亮光的出現、甚至看見超我和超時空的東西、以及其他超驗的現象。

Author's blurb:
True Stories of Near Death Experiences and Afterlife Communication.
Heaven is Real, Heaven Exists; Evidence of Life After Death, Proof of the Afterlife..

"I know that I and others have been given near death experiences so we can share our experience and make people understand that death is not to be feared and that Heaven is real."
"What the light conveyed was love. There was love everywhere, it was like love came from the grass, love came from the birds, love came from the trees."
"I’ve seen hundreds of these types of experiences- hundreds! I have worked for hospices for several years and it is normal and common for a dying person to have visions..Their loved ones come to get them, tell them it’s ok."
‘I could see light, in which rainbows seemed to play. I had never seen anything more fascinating or alluring. There were houses, flowers, trees; everything was so life-like it amazed me.'

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