Sunday, November 30, 2014

Python Rails Programming

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Python Rails Programming

When learning to write programs for a new computer language, the traditional first exercise is to output the words "Hello, World!" to the screen. In Java, this task requires ten lines of code:

Python programs emphasize simplicity and readability. The same program in Python is just one simple line of code:
Print "Hello, World!"
Python is used in artificial intelligence tasks. As a scripting language with module architecture, simple syntax and rich text processing tools, Python is often used for natural language processing tasks.
Python was created by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer who worked for Google for seven years. Mr Rossum is a Monty Python fan, hence the name "Python" for a computer language with a sense of humor.

512px-Guido_van_Rossum_OSCON_2006--CC BY-SA Doc Searls

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